
Youngsoo Shin (신영수)

Professor, School of EE, KAIST
KAIST ICT Endowed Chair Professor (KAIST ICT 석좌교수)
IEEE Fellow


약력: 서울대학교 전자공학과 졸업

연구디비젼: Circuit

주요연구: VLSI Design Technology, Low-Power, Statistical Design, Logic Synthesis

소속연구실: 초고집적회로 설계 기술 연구실



Youngsoo Shin is a Professor, a holder of the ICT Endowed Chair, in the School of EE at KAIST. Prior to joining KAIST in 2004, he was a Research Staff Member at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, NY. Currently, he is also a CEO of Baum, which specializes high-level power modeling and fast power analysis. He is Outside Director of LX Semicon (formerly Silicon Works) since 2018. He was Associate Editor of IEEE TCAD, IEEE D&T, and ACM TODAES, and was involved in a number of conferences including DAC, ICCAD, ASP-DAC, DATE, and ISLPED as organizing/steering/program committee member. He is a Fellow of the IEEE.




  • "Pulse width allocation and clock skew scheduling: optimizing sequential circuits based on pulsed latches," IEEE Transactions on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 355-366, Mar. 2010.
  • "Power gating: circuits, design methodologies, and best practice for standard-cell VLSI designs," ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, vol. 15, no. 4, article 28, pp. 28:1-28:37, Sep. 2010.
  • "Retiming pulsed-latch circuits with regulating pulse width," IEEE Transactions on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 30, no. 8, pp. 1114-1127, Aug. 2011.
  • "Synthesis of active-mode power-gating circuits," IEEE Transactions on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 391-403, Mar. 2012.
  • "Clock gating synthesis of pulsed-latch circuits," IEEE Transactions on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 31, no. 7, pp. 1019-1030, July 2012.
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
41 신용태 회장님께서 제 31회 산업부문 창녕군민대상을 수상하셨습니다 file 신용배(30세/상장군/도천) 2024.04.03 28
40 신 석 범 (36世) -변호사, 보금자리주택, 토지수용관련소송에 탁월한 능력 admin 2020.09.25 88
39 신 범 승(32世) 서양화가, 5,23~5,31, 남한강풍정圖 전시회, 예술의 전당 admin 2020.09.25 92
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36 신 영 건(32世) - 교수, 수험서 유통관리사 3급 자격시험 편찬 admin 2020.09.25 94
35 신 상 훈(32世) - 2016년 5급 공채(기술) 화공 수석 admin 2020.09.25 101
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32 신현웅(30世) 웅진재단 이사장(전 문광부 차관) admin 2020.08.20 114
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27 신 동 원(28世) - 농심그룹의 대표이사 부회장 admin 2020.09.25 151
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23 제 63회 영산 3.1민속문화제 대회장 추대 초청만찬회가 거행되었습니다 file 신용배(30세/상장군/도천) 2024.02.28 174
22 신 창 민 (31世) -신창민 대표원장, 위례 바른한의원 개원 admin 2020.09.25 184